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VENTURA GLOBAL shares encouraging news regarding treatment of Covid-19

It is always a pleasure to learn of our customers success and achievements, especially when they touch the lives of many and help humanity at large

It is always a pleasure to learn of our customers success and achievements, especially when they touch the lives of many and help humanity at large. Let me share with you a story in current development that makes us particularly hopeful and proud.

“MAD Lab” is not a Crazy Lab but the Monoclonal Antibody Discovery Laboratory of the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation (one of our good Italian customers since 2016) which from March 2020 has been fully devoted to discovering a monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based treatment against the novel Coronavirus. As they have found promising mAb candidates and are starting clinical trials, the local and international press has bestowed them plenty of well-deserved attention. Their ultimate goal is to develop a treatment that can be delivered as a spray but first they are focusing on an injectable single-dose treatment. Target date for mass production is the Spring 2021.

Introductory video “SARS CoV-2: Identikit of a Killer” (aired by RAI 3: PresaDiretta, in Italian)

This video explains how the MAD Lab identified their therapeutical mAb candidates (aired by RAI 1:Porta-a-Porta, in Italian)

The article “The Race Against Covid-19” illustrates the research activity and some of the technologies utilized by the MAD Lab in this scientific endeavor (published in the HP Innovation Magazine, in English)